Youth Faith Formation
Pre-K and Kindergarten
This optional program is a combined preschool and kindergarten class that meets weekly and follows the Sunday Morning 9:15 – 10:15 AM class calendar. There is a two-year curriculum using a series from publisher RCL Benziger, "Stories of God's Love", along with bible stories and celebrations of our Catholic faith such as Christmas and Easter. Weekly lessons incorporate bible stories, crafts, games and activities, or music to tie into the weekly lesson about our Catholic beliefs.The children will see our program as a place where they come to learn about God, the Bible and the Catholic Church. Fellowship with other children is an important aspect of our program. The children will become familiar with our center and begin to have a sense of belonging in our parish. Attending children will have a jump start on their prayers, easing the transition to Grade one.
Children must be a four year old Preschooler or be entering Kindergarten as of September of the current enrolling academic year, and be baptized. Families must complete a Faith Formation Registration Form and Student ID Form. A copy of the child's Baptism Certificate will be made and kept in their personal information file. A Tuition Activity Fee is charged per student.
Grades 1 – 5
Two class choices are available...
Sunday, 9:15 – 10:15 AM
Tuesday, 4:15 – 5:15 PM
Sacramental Preparation for First Reconciliation
The children spend the year preparing for this sacrament in Grade 2. A great deal of time and emphasis is placed on learning four prayers: The Glory Be, The Lord's Prayer, The Hail Mary, and The Act of Contrition. In addition, the children will hear Bible stories of God's forgiveness, learn the Ten Commandments and the Beatitudes, and discover the difference between sins and mistakes.Sacramental Preparation for First Eucharist
Preparation for, and the celebration of, First Eucharist occurs in Grade 3. The children will be preparing for this important sacrament throughout the year. The main emphasis of the curriculum is learning about the Mass. An evening class of Mass instruction for First Communicants and their families will be held in the Church. The Pastor will explain how and why Catholics celebrate the Liturgy of the Eucharist as we do. There is an opportunity for students to attend Mass with their class mid-year. Additionally, there is a Eucharist Workshop for all grade 3 students. Please see the First Eucharist Events Schedule for important dates and further details.Downloads
New Student Registration
Returning Student Registration
Faith Formation Tuition Form, 2025-2026
Faith Formation Class Schedule 24-25