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Youth Faith Formation Program Overview Pre-K – Grade 5 Grades 6 – 8 Confirmation Contacts Enrichment Programs Vacation Bible School Youth Ministry Peer Ministry

Youth Faith Formation

Grades 6 – 8
Saint Pius X Faith Formation Center
Students in this process have already received the Sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation, and Eucharist. Copies of Sacramental Certificates must be provided and are kept in the students Faith Formation file. The Diocese of Norwich states students must attend the preceding year of Faith Formation, to enter Sacramental Preparation. Annual registration is in March, held in person for families to reenroll their child for the coming fall classes and update the Student ID Form. Two choices of classes are available for Middle School, on either Monday, or Tuesday evenings 7:00pm – 8:15pm.

It is an amazing time to be a parent of young adolescents! They seem to change and grow right before our eyes. During the Middle School years, they "try on" different personalities, hair styles and clothing styles, what they liked in the morning may not suit them by afternoon. It is an awesome task for everyone involved journeying with them as they discover who they are and are called to be as a Catholic. Although Middle School is not a sacramental preparation time, it is during this time that they most need to hear and experience their faith, making connections to help them in situations they are faced with or hear about in the secular world.

Families play an important role in sharing faith daily through lived practices and teachable moments, experiences of love and concerned care of one another. In Faith Formation they take those experiences, journeying with their peers and Catechists, applying them to their faith, thereby strengthening their foundation of faith and growth in relationships within their Christian Community and our Lord. Actively participating in the Liturgy, joining in the parish community events and activities gives them the sense that they Belong and are needed, claiming the parish as their own! We are in this together!

Liturgical Formation and Catechesis, is a process of preparing for participation in liturgical prayer and ritual, experiencing prayer and ritual together, and then reflecting on that experience. This process of catechesis allows the teen time "to grow in deeper understanding of the paschal mystery and in making it part of their lives through meditation on the Gospel, sharing in the Eucharist, and doing works of charity." (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, 244)

Our Catechists prepare using LTP, "The Living Word, Sunday Gospel Reflections and Actions for Teens", and our Middle School students attend as a blended class, of grades 6 - 8 to hear the Word of God for the following Sunday's Liturgy. Following the opening prayer, class begins with the ritual of the Gospel Acclamation and the Gospel is proclaimed. The Gospel reflection teachings and discussion that follows though open-ended questions and examples, enables teens to make real connections between the Gospel to their own personal lived experiences. Activities and actions reinforce the Gospel message through service projects, games, role playing, journal reflections, guided meditation, topical discussions, empowering them to not just hear The Word but to live it, at home, school, and interact with society! Additionally, Feasts and Liturgical Seasons are explored as they fall on the Liturgical Calendar, Bible Scripture, Prayer Services, Service Projects as well a Retreat experience round out the year.

Gathering as a community to celebrate the Sunday Liturgy of the Eucharist, is the most important thing we do as Catholic Christians. The Eucharist is the summit of our faith, while the Mass is the source of our faith. Together, the Mass sends us forth, fed, strengthened, and commissioned to live as Christ's disciples, bearing witness to him in all we do and who we encounter daily. One must be present at Mass, to gain the fullness of what we do in Faith Formation. By hearing and breaking open The Word in advance, teens will be ready to be engaged when the Gospel is proclaimed and have a fuller understanding of the Priest's homily message of invitation into a deeper, more personal relationship with our Lord.

Being an Alter Server is a great Ministry of Service to the Church for our youth! Please speak with the Pastor or Parochial Vicar for details on becoming an Alter Server. All teens are encouraged to participate in the Living Stations of the Cross on Good Friday, being a witness to others while bringing Christ's Passion to life!
