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Capuchin Appalachian Mission Article

Peer Ministry

Peer Ministers and leaders collect donations for Amazing Grace Food Pantry

A Peer Minister is a High School student who desires to grow in their faith life, share their faith journey with others and strives to live a life in accordance with the gospel message of Jesus. It takes a sincere desire and willingness to share, on some level, where you are at in your faith walk.

As a Peer Minister you will be with fellow teens who are seeking, just like you, a way to grow in their relationship with God. As for requirements, Peer Ministry is open to any teen who has received the sacraments of baptism, communion and confirmation, and is actively living their Christian faith.

Within Peer Ministry, you can feel safe from the peer pressure you might feel at school, develop leadership and organizational skills that will help in college, and broaden your horizons based upon the individuals that you get to know, who you may not have otherwise gotten a chance to meet in a different setting. You may even build friendships that last a lifetime. In many of the things you do you will find personal growth and satisfaction. By sharing your faith journey with others, you will see the fruits of the seeds you plant in your role as a Peer Minister.

Peer Ministers participate in activities throughout the year that are both fun and spiritual in nature. They are also encouraged to take part in the Retreat Weekends and activities of Capuchin Youth & Family Ministries (CYFM), and to be of service in their parish and local communities.

Capuchin Appalachian Mission

Each July, the Capuchin Youth & Family Ministries (CYFM) sends approximately 80 volunteers to Kentucky for a week to minister to the individuals of Harlan County, one of the poorest counties in the United States. Saint Pius X participates in this program by sending a team of 6-10 individuals on this mission, both adults and High School students. Our team enjoys strong support from the parish in terms of prayers and financial donations.

Participants begin preparing for the trip months in advance by collecting monetary donations, clothing, and children's books to bring on the Mission. Once in Harlan County, participants minister to the residents through manual labor at a work site, teach children at a Vacation Bible School, sort and deliver clothing, and spend time with the elderly through senior ministry. They also perform renovation and construction work, such as roof repairs, and building ramps and additional rooms, for low-income families who urgently need home improvements.

Please download and read this article, written by a participant from Saint Pius X, about her experiences with the Capuchin Appalachian Mission.