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Groups & Ministries

Liturgical Ministries
Saint Pius X Parish is always seeking to include more parishioners (both young and older) as ministers to assist at parish liturgies – both weekends and weekdays. This is an excellent way to serve the parish and enhance the quality of the parish liturgies.

There are a number of liturgical ministry opportunities: Altar Servers, Lectors, Cantors, Instrumentalists and Choir Members, Ushers and Greeters, Eucharistic Ministers and Funeral Ministers. Since ministry is a privilege and a responsibility from our baptism, ministers will be asked each year to recommit themselves if they wish to serve for another year. Training and ongoing formation opportunities will be provided. The following is a brief description of the liturgical ministries at Saint Pius X Parish:

Altar Servers assist the priest and Ministers of the Eucharist at Mass. Sometimes called "acolytes," they insure the smooth movement of the ritual elements of the celebration. We welcome parishioners who have received First Eucharist to consider this ministry. Training and peer mentoring is provided. Contact the Friary office at 860-347-4441 ().

Cantors lead the assembly in song. Their role is to help the assembly find its voice in the singing at the Eucharist. The music directors work individually with the cantors in preparing for liturgies. Contact Andrew Berezowski () for further information.

Choir Members – The choir serves to enhance the celebration by supporting the rest of the assembly's participation and offering occasional selections of inspiring well-prepared hymns and psalms. The choir sings at the 10:30 AM Sunday Mass and other special celebrations of the Eucharist from early September through the end of the Easter season and practices on Thursday evenings. Contact Andrew Berezowski () for further information.

Eucharistic Ministers distribute the Body and Blood of Christ at weekend and weekday celebrations of the Eucharist and on special occasions. Those who serve on weekends are scheduled according to their availability; those who serve on weekdays sign up as they are available.

In addition, some bring Communion to shut-ins at home and institutions; they are not necessarily scheduled for service at church. Eucharistic Ministers must be at least 18 years of age and fully initiated in the Catholic Church. Diocesan mandated training and ongoing formation will be provided. Contact the Friary office at 860-347-4441 ().

Folk Group leads the singing at the 5:00 PM Vigil Mass each Saturday evening using guitars and other contemporary instruments. The group practices on Saturday afternoon at 3:30 PM. Contact Gail Saltus at 860-267-0202 () or speak with a parish staff member.

Funeral Ministers offer spiritual support to grieving families at the time of the funeral of a loved one. Along with the music ministers, they supply ministries (lectors, Eucharistic ministers, altar servers, etc) that the family and friends are not able to provide. It is necessary to be available during the daytime, especially mornings. The group will meet on occasion to pray for the deceased and reflect on their service. Training and ongoing formation will be provided. Contact the Friary office at 860-347-4441 ().

Instrumentalists – The music ministry is always seeking instrumentalists who might be able to play with the choir on special occasions. Contact Andrew Berezowski () for further information.

Lectors proclaim the Word of God to the assembly during the Liturgy of the Word. Along with the Liturgy of the Eucharist this is one of the two hinges of the celebration of the Eucharist. Those who serve on weekends are scheduled according to their availability; those who serve on weekdays sign up as they are available. Both are essential to a vibrant parish community. Training and ongoing formation will be provided. Contact the Friary office at 860-347-4441 or speak with a parish staff member ().

Ushers and Greeters welcome those who come to attend a worship service at Saint Pius X. They assist in the good order of the services and serve as "ambassadors" of Saint Pius X Parish; they offer hospitality and make the first impression on visitors. Contact the Friary office at 860-347-4441 () or speak with a parish staff member.

Outreach Ministries

Ministry to the Sick and Homebound – Our mission is to partner with and provide companionship to parishioners who are homebound or residing in facilities in varying stages of independence. Visits are intended to enhance a shut-in's spiritual well-being by bringing the Eucharist and the message of our Holy Father to live the joy of the Gospel. This visitation ministry, also comprised of Friendly Visitors, is intended to promote quality of life, preserve dignity and self-determination, and prevent loneliness, isolation and despair. These goals are propelled into motion by actively listening with an open heart to the needs, troubles, hopes and fears of parishioners confined to home or a facility. Regardless of one's bodily integrity and/or psycho-social/emotional/cognitive status, he/she is entitled to every opportunity to experience life to the fullest. For more information, please contact Angela Scirpo at 860-346-7114.

Sunday Breakfast Ministry – Serves breakfast to the homeless at St. Vincent de Paul, located on Main St in Middletown, 4-5 Sunday mornings in the late-winter and early-spring (November - March). Volunteers are needed to cook, serve and clean up. Eggs, Sausages, Biscuits, Cereal as well as donuts, breakfast bars, bananas, milk and orange juice is served until 8:30 AM. Contacts are Mike and Mary Godbout 203-228-3423

Faith Formation Ministries

Youth Ministry – Open to all in the age group of Grades 6 - 8, Youth Ministry events are intended to provide a safe and inviting atmosphere where friendships are easily made. Regardless if the event is for service, fellowship, or just plain fun being a "tween", our goal is to grow as a group, closer to God and to one another. Please visit the Youth Ministry page for more information.

Peer Ministry – A Peer Minister is a High School student who desires to grow in their faith life, share their faith journey with others and strives to live a life in accordance with the gospel message of Jesus. Within Peer Ministry, you can feel safe from the peer pressure you might feel at school, develop leadership and organizational skills that will help in college, and broaden your horizons. Please visit the Peer Ministry page for more information.

Justice and Human Dignity Ministries

Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) – This ministry is inspired by the love of the Gospel and by the example of Saint Francis of Assisi, and led by the tradition of Catholic Social Justice teaching. For more information, contact Art Gilbert at 860-788-7399. Documentary

Sanctity of Life – The goal of the ministry is to educate about the Church's positions on life from conception to natural death, to inform about current life issues impacting our society, and to promote a culture of life. With so much happening in the world of science and medicine, it inevitably affects us in decisions we make about life and in discussions with friends about our beliefs. Contact Bill Maune at 860-833-1185 or wmaune@frontier.net.

Other Ministries and Groups

Arts and Crafts – This group makes beautiful craft items to be sold at the "Sleigh Bells Ring" holiday fair in November. It meets Tuesday afternoons from 1:00 - 3:00 PM in the craft room in the Friary, from April to the date of the fair. They are always looking for helpers and ideas. Engage your artistic and craft making skills to make objects from scratch for all ages and all Holidays. All things start from an idea and go through a process of imaginative exploration to emerge as a well-crafted idea. Contact Diane Ellis at 203-235-6480.

Auction – The auction committee organizes and managers the Annual Spring Auction held in March. The auction is an online event which includes raffles and bidding on a variety of goods and services such as gift cards, culinary items, outings and more. Funds raised by the auction support the mission of St. Pius X Church. If you are interested in volunteering or donating an item, please contact Tom Czajak at 860-471-9315.

CYO – Saint Pius X church sponsors a high school basketball team that participates in the RPP CYO Basketball League associated with the Diocese of Norwich. The Program is open to high school-aged Parish members. The goal of the Program is to advance the growth and development of Christian young men through sport. Games are played on Sundays during the months of January and February in Middletown, Cromwell and East Hampton. Visit Registration to learn more about the Program and access the necessary registration forms.

Men's Club – The Men's Club provides a means for adult male members of the parish to become active in parish activities, and also to get to know one another on a social level. Most Men's Club activities are geared toward family, especially children, and include: an Easter Egg Hunt, Breakfasts, Family Bingo Night, Irish Night, and trips to Minor League baseball games, and golf tournaments. New ideas for activities are always welcome! Contact Vin Stifano at 860-347-3523 ().

Prayer Shawl – Members knit and crochet shawls and lap robes in the comfort of their homes. Prayers are offered throughout the creation of each item. The ministry gathers about 6 times per year to pray together and plan projects. Completed shawls and lap robes are blessed and distributed within our parish community and beyond. New members are always welcome. Contact Ginny Delaney at 203-214-4967.

Secular Franciscians is a fraternity that is a part of the Secular Franciscan Order within the Franciscan Family. The members of the Secular Franciscan Order strive to live the Gospel in the manner of Saint Francis by spreading the Gospel by word and example in their homes, at work, and in their parishes. Contact Tom Hollman at 860-637-5732.

S.H.A.R.E. – The S.H.A.R.E. ministry stands for "Sharing, Helping, And Reaching, Everyone" at Saint Pius X Church. This ministry is an outreach program that began in September 1998. They provide Saint Pius X parishioners with the opportunity to have the ministry host a reception following a funeral in the Bill Fortin Memorial hall. Members of this committee bake, prepare the luncheon, serve, and clean up for this reception. Email Cheryl McClellan for information at .